--- title: "Code" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Code} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` Some filler text. Some filler text. ```{r setup} library(gitdevr) ruler() ``` Some random code ```{r} render_rmarkdown <- function(pkg, input, output, ..., copy_images = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) { input_path <- path_abs(input, pkg$src_path) output_path <- path_abs(output, pkg$dst_path) if (!file_exists(input_path)) { stop("Can't find ", src_path(input), call. = FALSE) } cat_line("Reading ", src_path(input)) digest <- file_digest(output_path) args <- list( input = input_path, output_file = path_file(output_path), output_dir = path_dir(output_path), intermediates_dir = tempdir(), encoding = "UTF-8", envir = globalenv(), ..., quiet = quiet ) path <- tryCatch( rmarkdown::r_safe( function(...) rmarkdown::render(...), args = args, show = !quiet, env = c( rmarkdown::rcmd_safe_env(), BSTINPUTS = bst_paths(input_path), TEXINPUTS = tex_paths(input_path), BIBINPUTS = bib_paths(input_path), R_CLI_NUM_COLORS = 256 ) ), error = function(cnd) { rule("RMarkdown error") cat(gsub("\r", "", cnd$stderr, fixed = TRUE)) rule() abort("Failed to render RMarkdown", parent = cnd) } ) if (identical(path_ext(path)[[1]], "html")) { update_html( path, tweak_rmarkdown_html, input_path = path_dir(input_path), pkg = pkg ) } if (digest != file_digest(output_path)) { cat_line("Writing ", dst_path(output)) } # Copy over images needed by the document if (copy_images) { ext <- rmarkdown::find_external_resources(input_path) # copy web + explicit files beneath vignettes/ is_child <- path_has_parent(ext$path, ".") ext_path <- ext$path[(ext$web | ext$explicit) & is_child] src <- path(path_dir(input_path), ext_path) dst <- path(path_dir(output_path), ext_path) # Make sure destination paths exist before copying files there dir_create(unique(path_dir(dst))) file_copy(src, dst, overwrite = TRUE) } check_missing_images(pkg, input, output) invisible(path) } ```